Focus Flash <object><embed> on page load

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Joined: February 19th, 2005, 5:54 pm

Post by loismustdie »

Nope, it looks like we're SOL.

I've spoken with a couple Mozilla developers, who have told me that there is no direct method. They gave me a couple work arounds I could try (such as trying to send character presses to the flash movie without it having focus), but they have been exhausted with no luck (I was able to send the key presses, but the flash movie just doesn't pick them up). I was even able to simulate a click on the flash movie, but that still doesn't give it focus. I worked at it with them until they gave up.

As of right now there is no means to accomplish what we want (AFAIK). I have submitted it to bugzilla (and there are other similar submissions on it), so the best we could hope for is some sort of implementation for future releases.

Macromedia won't help you - they'll just say its up to the browser developer - its out of their hands. Remember that this is an issue with not only Mozilla, but every browser other than IE for PC (that I've tried) - so Netscape (PC/MAC), Safari (MAC), and IE (MAC) all share it. Haven't tried Opera...

Remember, <embed> is not a DOM spec - use <object> with a DATA= and a mime type... you sould be able to do anything you need from that. Refer here:

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