Bi-directional sync with iOS notes - Add-on for Auto?

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Bi-directional sync with iOS notes - Add-on for Auto?

Post by Pat100 »

(I am a beginner...)
I can sync my iPhone notes ("Notes" app) with Gmail and thus see them in Thunderbird.
To edit or create new notes and sync them back to my iPhone from TB I have to use a workaround.
I see that the add-on "iOS IMAP Notes 0.1.1" by JesseLujack exists to edit notes, but not sync them, and it does not work with latest TB.
Using the info provided by reviewers of that add-on, I can implement bidirectional transfer but it is not quick!
Would there be any interest in such an add-on?

My (copied) workaround:
Using Thunderbird, I can create new iOS notes (or edit those already on iphone/gmail) and see them in the iPhone Notes app. (I.e. bi-directional iOS notes)
It is complicated and I would be glad if some clever person developed a TB Add-on to do it automatically.
1. In Thunderbird (I have V31.6.0 on Win8.1), install the Add-on: "Header Tools Lite"
2. Create an email in TB "Drafts" (or maybe move an existing note to TB Drafts for editing there)- maybe it has to have a subject and body text? No address needed.
3. Drag/copy that draft email to TB's IMAP "Notes" folder.
4. Open it, right click on blank space and select HeaderToolsLite and select "Edit full source"
5. Add the line "X-Uniform-Type-Identifier:" (no quotes) to the header so the iPhone recognises it as an iOS note instead of an email. Click OK.
6. When sync-ed you should see the Note in the iPhone Notes app. (not in Mail app)
7. Note that you can edit the body of downloaded notes in TB using Header Tools lite as above but the text is weird (HTML? XML?) so I need to be careful. Tip for the illiterate - like me: </span><br><span> with no spaces starts a new line!

Note: I also see the new/edited notes in my Godaddy IMAP email account Notes folder.
Note: probably irrelevant but I have two gmail accounts (with different names!) on my iPhone. One, by selecting "Google" when setting up automatically, gets the weird outgoing server address. I enable Notes and Calendar (only) on that one. And I have another gmail account with Mail (only) enabled which I set up manually so as to use the Godaddy (or outgoing server. I wish I could remember why! But it all works OK without any duplication.
Posts: 2
Joined: April 11th, 2015, 9:40 am

Re: Bi-directional sync with iOS notes - Add-on for Auto?

Post by Pat100 »

Replying to myself:

I see some previous discussion here:
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