Extract all keys/values from about:config

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Re: Extract all keys/values from about:config

Post by Diorser »

May be to clarify.
"Config Export" extension proposed by therube is exactly what I was looking for.

Just be warned it is only compatible with Firefox 31.0 - 56.*

Script investigation is then still necessary for 57 and above.
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Re: Extract all keys/values from about:config

Post by Diorser »

morat wrote:I got dickvl code working in Fx 57 with a little tweak. (remove "2" in nsIPrefBranch2)
Now for Fx 57 (then no extension available), could you summarize what you call the "dickvl code" on which you apply a patch for Firefox 57 ?
Looks a little bit confusing.
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Re: Extract all keys/values from about:config

Post by morat »

Instructions for running dickvl's code in Fx 57:

* open about:config
* set browser.tabs.remote.autostart.2 preference to false
* set devtools.chrome.enabled preference to true
* restart

* open about:support
* is multiprocess windows disabled?
* if yes, then continue

* open browser console (ctrl+shift+j) in tools > web developer
* copy and paste code into browser console
* press enter to run

There is no need to fix the nsIPrefBranch2 issue. The author fixed it.

Browser Console command line
http://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs ... mmand_line

Preferences Printing
http://kb.mozillazine.org/User:Dickvl/J ... s_Printing
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Re: Extract all keys/values from about:config

Post by Diorser »

You previously missed the point I looked for clarity in your previous messages related to patches.
"The code" which works without any patch for Fx57 is then the this one :

Code: Select all

/* Display the Preferences in TABLE format - dickvl@kb.mozillazine.org */

const Cc=Components.classes, Ci=Components.interfaces;

const nsIPrefLocalizedString = Ci.nsIPrefLocalizedString;
const nsISupportsString = Ci.nsISupportsString;
const nsIPrefBranch = Ci.nsIPrefBranch;
const nsIPrefService = Ci.nsIPrefService;
const nsPrefService_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1";
const gPrefService = Cc[nsPrefService_CONTRACTID].getService(nsIPrefService);
const gPrefBranch = gPrefService.getBranch(null).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPrefBranch);

const PREF_IS_USER_SET = 1;
const PREF_IS_LOCKED = 2;

const SHOW_USER = false; /* use SHOW_USER = true; to only display prefs that are "user set" */

function prefColSortFunction(x, y)
 if (x.prefCol > y.prefCol) return gSortDirection;
 if (x.prefCol < y.prefCol) return -gSortDirection;
 return 0;

function lockColSortFunction(x, y)
 if (x.lockCol != y.lockCol) return gSortDirection * (y.lockCol - x.lockCol);
 return prefColSortFunction(x, y);

function typeColSortFunction(x, y)
 if (x.typeCol != y.typeCol) return gSortDirection * (y.typeCol - x.typeCol);
 return prefColSortFunction(x, y);

function valueColSortFunction(x, y)
 if (x.valueCol > y.valueCol) return gSortDirection;
 if (x.valueCol < y.valueCol) return -gSortDirection;
 return prefColSortFunction(x, y);

const gSortFunctions =
 prefCol: prefColSortFunction,
 lockCol: lockColSortFunction,
 typeCol: typeColSortFunction,
 valueCol: valueColSortFunction

var gSortedColumn = "prefCol";
var gSortFunction = gSortFunctions[gSortedColumn];
var gSortDirection = 1;

var gPrefArray = [];

function prefObject(prefName, prefIndex)
 this.prefCol = prefName;

prefObject.prototype =
 typeCol: nsIPrefBranch.PREF_STRING,
 valueCol: ""

function fetchPref(prefName, prefIndex)
 var pref = new prefObject(prefName);
 gPrefArray[prefIndex] = pref;

 if (gPrefBranch.prefIsLocked(prefName))
  pref.lockCol = PREF_IS_LOCKED;
 else if (gPrefBranch.prefHasUserValue(prefName))
  pref.lockCol = PREF_IS_USER_SET;

 try {
  switch (gPrefBranch.getPrefType(prefName)) {
   case gPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL:
    pref.typeCol = gPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL;
    pref.valueCol = gPrefBranch.getBoolPref(prefName).toString();
   case gPrefBranch.PREF_INT:
    pref.typeCol = gPrefBranch.PREF_INT;
    pref.valueCol = gPrefBranch.getIntPref(prefName).toString();
   case gPrefBranch.PREF_STRING:
    pref.valueCol = gPrefBranch.getComplexValue(prefName, nsISupportsString).data;
    if (pref.lockCol == PREF_IS_DEFAULT_VALUE &&
     pref.valueCol = gPrefBranch.getComplexValue(prefName, nsIPrefLocalizedString).data;
 } catch (e) {}

 var gLockStrs = [];
 var gTypeStrs = [];

 gLockStrs[PREF_IS_DEFAULT_VALUE] = "default";
 gLockStrs[PREF_IS_USER_SET] = "user set";
 gLockStrs[PREF_IS_LOCKED] = "locked";

 gTypeStrs[nsIPrefBranch.PREF_STRING] = "string";
 gTypeStrs[nsIPrefBranch.PREF_INT] = "integer";
 gTypeStrs[nsIPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL] = "boolean";

 var prefCount = {value:0};
 var prefBranch = "", CAPS = false; /* CAPS = (prefBranch == "capability"); */
/* var prefBranch = "capability", CAPS = true; */
 var prefArray = gPrefBranch.getChildList(prefBranch, prefCount);

 for (var i=0;i<prefCount.value;i++)
  var prefName = prefArray[i]; if (!CAPS && /^capability[.]/.test(prefName)) continue;
  fetchPref(prefName, gPrefArray.length);


 var gT='', gP;
 for (var i=0;gP=gPrefArray[i];i++) {
  if (SHOW_USER && gP.lockCol != PREF_IS_USER_SET) continue;
  gT+='<tr><td class="name">' + gP.prefCol + '<td class="other">' + gLockStrs[gP.lockCol] + '<td class="other">' + gTypeStrs[gP.typeCol] + '<td class="value"><table class="wrap"><tr><td>' + gP.valueCol + '</table>';

var dataTxt = '<html><head></head><body></body></html>';

var headTxt = '<title>Preferences '+'('+prefCount.value+')'+'</title>'+
'<style type="text/css">'+
'body {background-color:#ffa; margin: 1em 1em;}'+
'table {background-color:#ffb; empty-cells:show;}'+
'td {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Sans-Serif; font-size: 100%; padding: 1px 2px; vertical-align:top;}'+
'.header {background-color:#ffd;}'+
'.name, .other {white-space:nowrap;}'+
'.value {padding:0;}'+
'.wrap {table-layout:fixed; width:100%; overflow:hidden; word-wrap:break-word; border-spacing:0;}'+

var bodyTxt = '<b>Preferences</b>'+
'<p>HTML code generated via the <i>"Tools > Error Console: Code field"</i> - dickvl@kb.mozillazine.org<br>'+
'</p><p class="ZGlja3Zs">'+
'<table border="1" cellspacing="0">'+
'<tr class="header"><td><b>Pref</b><td><b>Status</b><td><b>Type</b><td><b>Value</b>'+gT+

var dataURI='data:text/html;charset=utf-8,'+dataTxt;

var wm = Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowMediator);
var mW = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"), gB, tab;
 gB = mW.gBrowser; tab = gB.addTab(dataURI); gB.selectedTab = tab;

 var d = gB.selectedBrowser.contentDocument;
 d.getElementsByTagName('HEAD')[0].innerHTML = headTxt;
 d.body.innerHTML =  bodyTxt; },500);
Posts: 6435
Joined: February 3rd, 2009, 6:29 pm

Re: Extract all keys/values from about:config

Post by morat »

morat wrote:There is no need to fix the nsIPrefBranch2 issue. The author fixed it.
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