Using Mozilla (Thunderbird) as default mail client from VB

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Using Mozilla (Thunderbird) as default mail client from VB

Post by wGress »


I'm writing a program in VB6 that should use the user's default mail client to send out mails with attachments. I surfed around several sites in order to find out how to adress the client in order to hand over the different recipients, the subject, body and attachments. All solutions I found use the WIN API call to ShellExecute which however is not able to hand over attachments (Parameter: 'mailto:somebody@somewhere?Subject=blabla&Body=Anything'.) In this restricted way it works for Outlook, Outlook Express and Mozilla as well.

But when I open MS Word or Excel and execute the command 'Send with Attachment' MS seems to have found a way even to hand over attachments to Mozilla. How does that work. I can imagine that MS has implemented a call in Outlook or Outlook Express to do that, but what must I do that it works with mozilla?
Are there any command line parameters I could use and where are they documented?
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