Firefox & Thunderbird Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey

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Re: Firefox & Thunderbird Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey

Post by paluster »

Tried the converter, get the same errors - looks as if the converter only changed the install.rdf (I did tick the "change javascript" box)
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Re: Firefox & Thunderbird Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey

Post by barbaz »

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Re: Firefox & Thunderbird Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey

Post by bjakja »

Is there any addon or something for multiple tab rows working in Seamonkey 2.4?
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Re: Firefox & Thunderbird Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey

Post by tonymec »

bjakja wrote:Is there any addon or something for multiple tab rows working in Seamonkey 2.4?
I used to have rules for it in my userChrome.css, and it worked (except that tab drag-drop was only possible to the top row) but alas, I did a false maneuver and lost both the file and its backup. If someone has an old copy of my userChrome.css I'd be glad to know about it.

There might be a Stylish script or something to do it but I don't know the details.

Firefox's Tab Mix Plus is known not to be convertible, even with the Converter: Firefox's tabbrowser is too different from SeaMonkey's.
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Re: Firefox & Thunderbird Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey

Post by bjakja »

I tried both, Tab Mix Plus and Tab Kit 2 both not working at all even with other options. I using Seamonkey from yesterday and it work as fast as K-meleon but do not have its bugs. I used to this tab bar look ant it's much better to use it with 20+.
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Re: Firefox & Thunderbird Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey

Post by therube »

@tony, is this it, TonyMech-userChrome-seamonkey.css:

Code: Select all

 * This file can be used to customize the look of Mozilla's user interface
 * You should consider using ½!important╗ on rules which you want to
 * override default settings.

 * For more examples see

 * Do not remove the following line, it is required for correct functioning
 * (it makes XUL the default namespace)
@namespace      url("");

 *                      FONTS AND MENUS                        *
 * the xul:popup element is deprecated, and has fallen off some
 * themes, but SeaMonkey 2.1a3pre still uses it
  { border:                             1px outset #CCD0DD
  ; -moz-border:                        none
  ; padding:                            1px
  ; min-width:                          1px
  ; background-color:                   #CCD0DD
 * define a sans-serif font family for chrome
  { font-family:        "Andale Sans"
  ,                     "Arial"
  ,                     sans-serif              !important
  ; text-shadow:        none                    !important

 * define a smaller font for Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings
#accountManager, #accountManager *
  { font-size:          7pt                     !important

 * define a smaller font for the menus
menubar, menubutton, menulist, menu, menuitem, menupopup
  { font-size:          7pt                     !important
menupopup > *
  { font-size:          7pt                     !important
toolbar, toolbarbutton
  { font-size:          7pt                     !important

 * make some labels more distinct
 * by a better choice of colors
#security-button .statusbarpanel-text
  /* statusbar "Authenticated to" (and click for Page Info) */
  { background-color:   #0F0                    !important
  ; color:              black                   !important
  ; padding-left:       2px                     !important
  ; padding-right:      2px                     !important
#calendar-status-todaypane-button .toolbarbutton-text
  /* Mail statusbar button to open Lightning "Today" pane */
  { color:              #0CC                    !important
  ; font-weight:        bold                    !important
  /* anything whose ID ends in "button" */
  { border-style:       outset                  !important
  ; border-width:       1px                     !important
  { border-style:       inset                   !important
 * Give the Location (URL) Bar a fixed-width font
 * and disable deemphasising of its parts
#urlbar, #urlbar *
  { font-family:        "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono"
  ,                     "B&H LucidaTypewriter"
  ,                     "Courier New"
  ,                     Courier
  ,                     monospace               !important
  ; font-size:          8pt                     !important
  ; color:              black                   !important
#urlbar *
  { color:              #666                    !important /* 40% grey */
#urlbar .textbox-presentation-domain
  { color:              black                   !important
#urlbar .textbox-input-box, #urlbar *:hover
  { color:              black                   !important
 * the following is of dubious utility so far
#urlbar .textbox-presentation-protocol
  { display:            inline                  !important
 * the following doesn't work
#urlbar .textbox-presentation-protocol[value|="file:"-"chrome:"],
#urlbar .textbox-presentation-protocol[value|="file:"-"chrome:"] ~ *
  { color:              black                   !important
 * define the backgrounds for the URLbar scrolldown
 * doesn't work
#urlbar .autocomplete-search-box:hover,
#urlbar .autocomplete-search-box:focus,
#urlbar .autocomplete-search-box[selected=true],
#urlbar .autocomplete-history-popup menuitem:hover,
#urlbar .autocomplete-history-popup menuitem:focus,
#urlbar .autocomplete-history-popup menuitem[selected=true]
  { background-color:   red                     !important
  ; background-image:   none                    !important
  ; color:              white                   !important
  ; font-weight:        bold                    !important

 *                           TABS                              *

/* ChatZilla tabs, see lower down under "CHATZILLA" */

 * Don't display tabs in mail (3-pane) window
 * (commented out)
  { display:            none                    !important
 * Implement flowing tabs
 * Since these elements have no ID or class until 2010-12-27, we have to use the
 * element names (pulled from the XUL code for the tabs chrome).
 * also relevant are some or all of the following about:config prefs:
 *      browser.tabs.tabMaxWidth        user set        integer         300
 *      browser.tabs.tabMinWidth        user set        integer         16
 *      mail.tabs.tabMinWidth           user set        integer         150
 * KNOWN BUG: tab drag-dropping only works if the drop is on the top row.
tabbrowser:not(#tabmail) .tabbrowser-tabs > stack > vbox > hbox > hbox   /* until 2010-12-28 or before 2.1*  */
  { height:             auto                    !important
  ; width:              auto                    !important
  ; display:            block                   !important
  ; min-height:         18px                    !important
  ; max-height:         80px                    !important
  ; overflow:           visible                 !important
/* the following are for SeaMonkey 2.1b2pre dated 2010-12-29, and later builds  */
/* (1) suggested by "Tabs in multiple rows"  */
tabbrowser:not(#tabmail) .tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox
  { display:            block                   !important
  ; height:             auto                    !important
  ; width:              auto                    !important
  ; overflow:           visible                 !important
/* (2) the following is necessary: apparently SeaMonkey has "overflow:hidden"   */
/*     at some inner level where Firefox has nothing, or maybe "inherit".       */
tabbrowser:not(#tabmail) .tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox .arrowscrollbox-scrollbox
  { display:            block                   !important
  ; height:             auto                    !important
  ; width:              auto                    !important
  ; overflow:           visible                 !important
  ; -moz-binding:       none                    !important
/* (3) if we see all tabs, no scrollbuttons are necessary. This also frees      */
/*     quite some real estate above and below the row(s) of tabs.               */
tabbrowser:not(#tabmail) .tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox .scrollbutton-up,
tabbrowser:not(#tabmail) .tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox .scrollbutton-down
  { display:            none                    !important

 * hide all-tabs-button on tab bar in favour of Tabs Menu extension on menubar
 * Gecko 2, 2010-12-29 and later
tabbrowser:not(#tabmail) .tabs-alltabs-button
  { display:            none                    !important

 * give all browser tabs a fixed height
.tabbrowser-tab         /* also for mail tabs */
  { height:             18px                    !important
  ; margin-top:         0px                     !important
  ; margin-bottom:      0px                     !important
  ; border-width:       2px 2px 0px             !important
  ; border-color:       navy                    !important
  ; border-style:       solid                   !important
  ; -moz-border-radius: 3px 3px 0px 0px         !important
  ; border-collapse:    collapse                !important
  ; padding-top:        0px                     !important
  ; padding-bottom:     0px                     !important
  ; opacity:            100%                    !important
  ; -moz-opacity:       100%                    !important
  ; background-image:   none                    !important
tabbrowser:not(#tabmail) .tabbrowser-tab
  { width:              18px                    !important
  ; text-align:         left                    !important
  ; padding:            0px                     !important
  ; margin:             0px                     !important
 * however, the above affects also mail tabs,
 * which we don't want to narrow down to "just a favicon",
 * so let's override it:
  { width:              auto                    !important
  ; overflow:           visible                 !important
  ; visibility:         visible                 !important
  ; min-width:          150px                   !important
  ; max-width:          1000px                  !important
  ; -moz-box-flex:      100                     !important
 * It's worse with the following than without: there is still the same ugly
 * empty space between the multiple rows and the closebutton, and in addition
 * the [X] gets moved to the top row, instead of getting "middle" vertical
 * alignment the way I want it.
.tabbrowser-tabs .tabs-closebutton-box
  { width:              16px                    !important
  ; display:            table-cell              !important
  ; overflow:           hidden                  !important

 * highlight tab at mouseover; highlight selected tab
 * and show which tabs haven't yet been read
.tabbrowser-tabs:not(.tabmail-tabs) tab
  /* none of what follows:        grey            */
  /* but only for browser (not mail) tabs         */
  { background-color:   #666                    !important
   * all rules below are for browser and mail
   * on SeaMonkey 2.1a1 and later, alas,
   * the [selected] attribute is only present when true,
   * so the first of them would be activated out of turn
   * for tabs already seen but not current anymore
   * (see bug 564100).
   * Bug 564100 was fixed 16-Sep-2011 but with [unread=true]
   * for unread tabs.
.tabbrowser-tabs tab:not([selected])  \* 2.0.x and earlier *\
.tabbrowser-tabs tab[unread=true]
  /* not yet read:                white           */
  { background-color:   white                   !important
.tabbrowser-tabs tab[busy=true]
  /* being loaded:                dark green      */
  { background-color:   #090                    !important
.tabbrowser-tabs tab:hover
  /* onmouseover:                 red             */
  { background-color:   #C00                    !important
.tabbrowser-tabs tab[selected=true]
  /* current:                     aqua            */
  { background-color:   #0FF                    !important
.tabbrowser-tabs tab[selected=true]:hover
  /* current on mouseover:        yellow          */
  { background-color:   yellow                  !important

 * remove left and right tab decorations
.tab-image-left, .tab-image-right
  { display:            none                    !important

 * highlight close box at mouseover
.tabbrowser-tabs .tabs-closebutton-box:hover
  { background-color:   #699                    !important

*                   QUICK FOLDERS (FOLDER TABS)                      *
 * give all buttons / tabs the same height, even for small fonts
#QuickFolders-Toolbar toolbarbutton
  { min-height:         20px            !important
 * center all text vertically
#QuickFolders-Toolbar *
  { vertical-align:     middle          !important
 * add a default icon for tabs without one
 * this rule must NOT have !important
 * doesn't work
  { list-style-image:   url("QF-Icons/folder.png")

 * add extra space after "Trash" tab or button
#QuickFolders-Toolbar toolbarbutton.trash
  { margin-right:       1.5em           !important

 *                         CHATZILLA                           *

 * styling for the Chatzilla userlist
#chatzilla-window #user-list treechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text(selected)
  { color:              white                   !important
#chatzilla-window #user-list treechildren:-moz-tree-cell-text(selected)
  { color:              white                   !important

 * apply "flowing tabs" behaviour to ChatZilla and
 * make the views more distinctive by means of tab background colors etc.
 * the order of the "tab" rules is important (last one wins)
#chatzilla-window #view-tabs
  { overflow:           visible                 !important
#chatzilla-window #view-tabs tab                        /* channel tab  */
  { background-color:   #9FF                    !important /* lightcyan */
#chatzilla-window #view-tabs tab[href$=",isnick"]       /* query tab    */
  { background-color:   #F99                    !important      /* pink */
#chatzilla-window #view-tabs tab[href$="/"]             /* server tab   */
  { background-color:   yellow                  !important    /* yellow */
#chatzilla-window #view-tabs tab[href="irc://"]         /* client tab   */
  { background-color:   white                   !important     /* white */
#chatzilla-window #view-tabs tab[selected="true"]       /* current tab  */
  { outline:            2px solid #090          !important     /* green */
#chatzilla-window #view-tabs tab[state="attention"]     /* tab signalling
                        for attention (I wanted blink but doesn't work) */
  { color:              #900                    !important       /* red */
#chatzilla-window #view-tabs tab[state="activity"]      /* tab with
                                                          unread speech */
  { color:              #093                    !important     /* green */
  ; text-decoration:    underline               !important
#chatzilla-window #view-tabs tab[state="activity"] *
  { text-decoration:    underline               !important

 *                         PERSONAS                            *
 * Reveal more of your Personas by making chrome less opaque
#MsgHeadersToolbar:-moz-lwtheme listbox,        /* msg-compose: attachments & To/Cc etc.*/
.tabbrowser-tab,        /* in Browser or Mailer */
  { opacity:            0.6                     !important
#urlbar:-moz-lwtheme,                           /* Browser:     URL bar                 */
.searchbar-textbox:-moz-lwtheme,                /* Browser:     search bar              */
#searchInput:-moz-lwtheme,                      /* Mailer:      search bar              */
#viewPicker:-moz-lwtheme,                       /* Mailer:      "View" drop-down        */
#MsgHeadersToolbar:-moz-lwtheme listitem,       /* msg compose: To/Cc/Bcc etc. (1 line) */
#MsgHeadersToolbar:-moz-lwtheme menulist,       /* msg compose: drop-downs              */
#MsgHeadersToolbar:-moz-lwtheme textbox,        /* msg-compose: entry boxes             */
#MsgHeadersToolbar:-moz-lwtheme #attachmentBucket,
  { opacity:            0.5                     !important
#MsgHeadersToolbar:-moz-lwtheme textbox[focused=true],
#MsgHeadersToolbar:-moz-lwtheme #attachmentBucket:focus,
  { opacity:            0.8                     !important
#MsgHeadersToolbar:-moz-lwtheme listitem[focused=true], 
#MsgHeadersToolbar:-moz-lwtheme listitem[selected=true],
#MsgHeadersToolbar:-moz-lwtheme listitem:focus,
.addressingWidget *|input[focused=true],
  { opacity:            1                       !important
  ; color:              black                   !important
  ; font-weight:        bold                    !important
  ; text-shadow:        aqua  2px 2px 2px       !important
  ; background-color:   white                   !important

 *                       MISCELLANEOUS                         *
 * test fix for bug 653743
toolbar[mode="icons"] #search-button > .button-box > .button-icon
  { display: -moz-box !important;

 * display subfields of the Find toolbar
#FindToolbar > *
  { display:            -moz-box

 * give the menus a scrollbar when they are too high to be
 * displayed in full
menupopup scrollbox, #contentAreaContextMenu scrollbox
  { overflow-y:         auto                    !important
 * eliminate scroll buttons at top and bottom of the menus
menupopup autorepeatbutton, #contentAreaContextMenu autorepeatbutton
  { display:            none                    !important

 * Make threading lines visible in MailNews
#threadTree treechildren::-moz-tree-line
  { visibility:         visible                 !important;
#threadTree treechildren::-moz-tree-line(selected, focus)
  { border-color:       white                   !important;
 * Force a highlight on the current line of the Mail/News window's
 * List pane (also the folder tree pane)
  { border:             1px dotted green        !important

 * Add a scrollbar to the account settings box (doesn't work)
dialog#accountManager iframe#contentFrame
  { overflow-y:         auto                    !important

/* vim: set tw=0 et :*/
(Good thing I'm a pack rat ;-).)
Fire 750, bring back 250.
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Re: Firefox & Thunderbird Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey

Post by tonymec »

Ah, the rube, thanks a million.

bjakja: the relevant part is titled "Implement flowing tabs" in the TABS section. You ought to be able to omit the part titled "/* until 2010-12-28 or before 2.1* */", that rule is supposed to be 5½ years obsolete.
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Re: Firefox & Thunderbird Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey

Post by bjakja »

It is working, thanks. Tabs are half transparent, is there any option to set it non transparent?
And I have to change this megasmall font, for me too small.
After editing I got it non transparrent and fonts looks like it was but still is one problem. From top and bottom tabbar I got margins about 8 pixels, and icons in left has 0 margin.
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Re: Firefox & Thunderbird Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey

Post by tonymec »

bjakja wrote:It is working, thanks. Tabs are half transparent, is there any option to set it non transparent?
And I have to change this megasmall font, for me too small.
After editing I got it non transparrent and fonts looks like it was but still is one problem. From top and bottom tabbar I got margins about 8 pixels, and icons in left has 0 margin.
The partial opacity might be a function of having or not having a lightweight theme. Search the stylesheet for the keyword "opacity". The value is a number which may include a floating point (or, I think, a percentage) between zero (fully transparent) and 1 (100% opaque if parent elements are). I tweak my chrome's opacity in order to see the lightweight theme, even under the tabs. You may try to either set opacity explicitly to 1 where I set it to something else, or to /* comment */ away the lines which set it: see what suits you best.

I also get some empty space above and below my "flowing tabs" (let's say half a tab height above the top row and ¾ of a tab height below the bottom row), I'd like to reduce or even delete that empty space but I don't know how. I've tried with the help of the DOM Inspector (an extension which is included in SeaMonkey distributions), but without success so far.

You may add empty space inside any element by means of "padding" ("margin" is for empty space outside and "border" sets the color, style and thickness of the border). For instance

Code: Select all

.tabbrowser-tab { padding-left: 1px !important }
will add one pixel of blank space inside the left side of every tab. Remember though, that if two or more contradictory settings apply to the same element, the last rule wins, except that what has "!important" wins over what doesn't have it (!important is often necessary to make sure that our own rules win over the browser's defaults).

Note that in order to have fewer rows of tabs (and more real estate for content) I set browser.tabs.tabMinWidth to 18 (pixels) in about:config. This way, each tab displays only a favicon and no text. You may or may not want it.
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Re: Firefox & Thunderbird Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey

Post by bjakja »

For now I change opacity but padding don't working for me. I put it in existing .tabbrowser-tab config.
It looks like this:

Code: Select all

.tabbrowser-tab         /* also for mail tabs */
  { height:             30px                    !important
  ; margin-top:         0px                     !important
  ; margin-bottom:      0px                     !important
  ; border-width:       2px 2px 0px             !important
  ; border-color:       navy                    !important
  ; border-style:       solid                   !important
  ; -moz-border-radius: 3px 3px 0px 0px         !important
  ; border-collapse:    collapse                !important
  ; padding-top:        0px                     !important
  ; padding-bottom:     0px                     !important
  ; padding-left:        2px                     !important
  ; padding-right:     2px                     !important
  ; opacity:            100%                    !important
  ; -moz-opacity:       100%                    !important
  ; background-image:   none                    !important
I got padding work, and now only bars on top and bottom left.
Is there any way to place icon or list of search engine that I can change it without opening option window?
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Re: Firefox & Thunderbird Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey

Post by tonymec »

bjakja wrote:For now I change opacity but padding don't working for me. I put it in existing .tabbrowser-tab config.
It looks like this:

Code: Select all

.tabbrowser-tab         /* also for mail tabs */
  { height:             30px                    !important
  ; margin-top:         0px                     !important
  ; margin-bottom:      0px                     !important
  ; border-width:       2px 2px 0px             !important
  ; border-color:       navy                    !important
  ; border-style:       solid                   !important
  ; -moz-border-radius: 3px 3px 0px 0px         !important
  ; border-collapse:    collapse                !important
  ; padding-top:        0px                     !important
  ; padding-bottom:     0px                     !important
  ; padding-left:        2px                     !important
  ; padding-right:     2px                     !important
  ; opacity:            100%                    !important
  ; -moz-opacity:       100%                    !important
  ; background-image:   none                    !important
I got padding work, and now only bars on top and bottom left.
Is there any way to place icon or list of search engine that I can change it without opening option window?
You can place the search bar on a toolbar, and the search engine icon (on the left side of the search bar) becomes a rolldown widget when you click it. Or you can also change the search engine in the Search tab of the sidebar (open/close by clicking its grippy or by F9)

The padding rule you showed above was overridden just a few lines lower by a zero-padding rule for "tabbrowser:not(#tabmail) .tabbrowser-tab". The last rule wins, remember?
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Re: Firefox & Thunderbird Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey

Post by bjakja »

Now It working, only top-bottom bars lasts. Everything works similar to Pale Moon witch I used before but it mess to many sites which works even on K-meleon that's why I heve to change it.
Anyway thanks for help.
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Re: Firefox & Thunderbird Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey

Post by Frank Lion »

bjakja wrote:Is there any addon or something for multiple tab rows working in Seamonkey 2.4?
Slightly different to multi row method, but I use this -

Just run it through the converter for SM.
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Re: Firefox & Thunderbird Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey

Post by tonymec »

Frank Lion wrote:
bjakja wrote:Is there any addon or something for multiple tab rows working in Seamonkey 2.4?
Slightly different to multi row method, but I use this -

Just run it through the converter for SM.
The scrollbar (instead of scroll buttons) to the single-row tab bar is a nice touch. Maybe I'll use that if I decide that my multi-row tab bar is taking up too much space vertically.

FWIW, about the other thing (scrollbar to the menu when too long), my userChrome.css will replace scroll buttons by a scrollbar on any overflowing menu, including menus from extensions — at the moment I have scrollbars in the standard (but highly customizable) Bookmarks menu and in the Tabs menu from the "Tabs Menu" extension. (Get that stylesheet from the link a few posts above, or you can again use the version on my site, then pick and choose what you want of it. I'm not interested in "intellectual property" rights.)

P.S. It says "compatible up to Firefox 42.0+". I suppose it means that it has been tested in Fx42 (corresponding to Sm 2.39) but should work in later versions, possibly including the current Nightly 51.0a1 (or, after conversion, the current SeaMonkey 2.48a1 trunk nightlies)?

Firefox and SeaMonkey tabbrowsers are not identical; let's hope the conversion will work.
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Re: Firefox & Thunderbird Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey

Post by bjakja »

I tried latest beta, and it looks like lagging like new FireFox and IceDragon, after reinstall it was still working bad. Menu and program name was changed and it end up on deleting everything from appdata. When I load 10+ tabs in beta version it used CPU every time and next tabs load slower. Is there any option to "froze" inactive tabs? For example main site of changes banners for every 10 seconds and it utilize CPU even it is inactive.
Anyway multirows are for me good enough.
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