[EXT] Universal Browser Manager

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Jan Zavřel
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[EXT] Universal Browser Manager

Post by Jan Zavřel »

Universal manager for Firefox. Manage your tabs, bookmarks, history and clipboard using powerful filtering and sorting capability. Easily select multiple items and handle them at once.
Formerly named as At Your Command.

https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefo ... er-manager

Last edited by Jan Zavřel on November 3rd, 2022, 10:14 am, edited 13 times in total.
Jan Zavřel
Posts: 11
Joined: May 19th, 2017, 7:49 am

Re: [EXT] Universal Browser Manager

Post by Jan Zavřel »


1. Search modes
Currently available search modes are: Tabs (keyword t), Closed Tabs (tc), Bookmarks (b), History (h) and Clipboard (c).
You can select search mode from Search Mode Selector. Or press either Ctrl + Alt + Up or Alt + Home to clear search box and type keyword. Then press Enter or click Execute Query Button.
Tabs mode currently lists results using columns: Name, URL, Index, Accessed and Folder. Column Folder shows all the folders respective page is bookmarked in.
Closed Tabs mode lists results using columns: Name, URL and Closed.
Bookmarks mode lists results using columns: Name (editable), URL (editable), Folder, Index and Added.
History mode lists results using columns: Name, URL, Visits and Opened.
Clipboard mode lists results using column URL. Clipboard must contain only URLs (no mixed content) and all URLs must start with http or https.
Hover over Folder column cell to see full path of bookmark (in tooltip). Hover over other cells to see whole cell text (in tooltip). Hover over (most of) other UI elements to see command name or additonal info.
1.1 Column or cell based shortcuts and functionality
Focus any cell and start typing to activate find as you type feature. First cell in the same column whose value STARTS with typed characters will be focused. Turn on Caps Lock before you start typing to focus first cell whose value CONTAINS typed characters.
Focus any editable column cell and press F4 or Alt + E to edit its value. Then press Enter to commit changes or Esc to discard them. All these commands are also available via context menu.
Cell can be focused by clicking it our using keys/shortcuts: Alt + Left/Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Tab and Shift + Tab. Note: see section "7. Shortcuts" for more info.
Note: see section "5. Selecting items" for more info on what the difference between selecting and focusing item/cell is.

2. Search operators
You can use column names as search operators to filter items.
Press Alt + Up to focus search box and type operator (e.g. url:). Pressing Ctrl + Up or clicking respective button removes all filters and focus search box.
You can abbreviate all search operators. So feel free to type u: or ur: instead of url:.
You can use multiple operators to filter results even more. Just separate them by space.
Search box is case-insensitive except for folder id parameter (e.g. "test"#LaNdBdPOc8xT).
All irrelevant spaces are ignored. 1+ spaces are considered 1 space.
Press Tab to normalize query:
- query is validated (basic validations only, complete set of validations will be performed when query is executed)
- all irrelevant spaces are removed
- abbreviated search operators and parameters first, last, minute(s), hour(s), day(s), today, yesterday, week(s), month and quarter are completed (e.g. ad:yes is replaced by added:yesterday)
2.1 Basic searching - by name or url
»t firefox« shows tabs whose name or url contains "firefox".
»c firefox« shows clipboard items whose url contains "firefox".
»h "universal browser manager"« shows history items whose name or url contains multiple-word phrase "universal browser manager".
2.2 Searching using operators
»b url:firefox« shows bookmarks whose url contains "firefox".
»tc name:"universal browser manager"« shows closed tabs whose name contains multiple-word phrase "universal browser manager".
2.3 AND groups
»h (universal browser manager)« or just »h universal browser manager« shows history items whose name or url contains "universal" AND "browser" AND "manager".
»h name:(universal browser manager)« shows history items whose name contains "universal" AND "browser" AND "manager".
2.4 OR groups
»b {firefox add-on "universal browser manager"}« shows bookmarks whose name or url contains "firefox" OR "add-on" OR multiple-word phrase "universal browser manager".
»b url:{firefox add-on "universal browser manager"}« shows bookmarks whose url contains "firefox" OR "add-on" OR multiple-word phrase "universal browser manager".
2.5 Starting and end anchors
»t ["universal browser manager"« shows tabs whose name or url STARTS with multiple-word phrase "universal browser manager".
»tc name:" fox"]« shows closed tabs whose name ENDS with " fox". So closed tabs whose name ends with "firefox" won’t be showed due to missing space before "fox".
»b folder:[test]« shows bookmarks whose parent folder name IS "test".
2.6 Folder operator
»b folder:firefox« shows bookmarks whose parent folder name contains firefox.
»b folder:"test"#LaNdBdPOc8xT« shows bookmarks whose parent folder id is LaNdBdPOc8xT. Using folder id is necessary if two or more folders of the same name are created. You may want to select folder from Bookmark Folders drop-down list in this case.
»b folder:{["universal browser manager" "test"#LaNdBdPOc8xT "Firefox"#61TNj_DI0OVW}« shows bookmarks whose parent folder name starts with multiple-word phrase "universal browser manager" OR whose parent folder id is LaNdBdPOc8xT OR 61TNj_DI0OVW.
»t folder:"test"#LaNdBdPOc8xT« shows tabs which are bookmarked in folder with id LaNdBdPOc8xT.
»t folder:[]« shows tabs which are NOT bookmarked in any folder.
2.7 Excluding results
Prefix word, multiple-word phrase, starting anchor, AND or OR group or search operators name, url and folder with - (hyphen) to remove items from your results.
»t -firefox« shows tabs whose name or url does NOT contain "firefox".
»h -"universal browser manager"« shows history items whose name or url does NOT contain multiple-word phrase "universal browser manager".
»t -["universal browser manager"« shows tabs whose name or url does NOT START with multiple-word phrase "universal browser manager".
»tc -{universal browser manager}« shows closed tabs whose name or url does NOT contain "universal" OR "browser" OR "manager".
»b -url:firefox« shows bookmarks whose url does NOT contain "firefox".
»h -name:(universal browser manager)« shows history items whose name does NOT contain "universal" AND "browser" AND "manager" at same time.
t -folder:test« shows tabs which are NOT bookmarked in folders whose name contains "test".
2.8 Searching for dates
You can filter dates (added, closed and opened search operators) using:
- first/last N item(s) parameter
- N minute(s), hour(s), day(s) or week(s) parameter
- today, yesterday, week, month or quarter parameter
- single date parameter (can be prefixed by >, >=, < or <=)
- range (between) parameter
»b added:last10« shows 10 last added bookmarks.
»t accessed:last10« shows 10 last accessed (i.e. activated or focused) tabs.
»h opened:last1« shows last opened website.
»tc closed:last400« shows 400 last closed tabs.
»t accessed:45minutes« shows tabs accessed in last 45 minutes.
»tc closed:20minutes« shows tabs closed in last 20 minutes.
»h opened:1hour« shows websites opened in last 1 hour.
»b added:1day« shows bookmarks added in last 1 day.
»h opened:2weeks« shows websites opened in last 2 weeks.
»t accessed:today« shows tabs accessed today (from 0:00:00 to 23:59:59).
»h opened:today« shows websites opened today (from 0:00:00 to 23:59:59).
»tc closed:yesterday« shows tabs closed yesterday (from 0:00:00 to 23:59:59).
»b added:week« shows bookmarks added this calendar week.
»h opened:month« shows websites opened this calendar month.
»h opened:quarter« shows websites opened this calendar quarter.
»b added:2017-1-1« shows bookmarks added on January 1, 2017.
»h opened:>=2017-1-1« shows websites opened on or after January 1, 2017.
»h opened:>2017-1-1« shows websites opened after January 1, 2017.
»h opened:<=2017-1-1« shows websites opened on or before January 1, 2017.
»h opened:<2017-1-1« shows websites opened before January 1, 2017.
»b added:2017-1-1..2017-12-31« shows bookmarks added in 2017.
2.9 Searching for number values
You can filter number values (index and visits search operators) using:
- first/last N item(s) parameter
- single number value parameter (can be prefixed by >, >=, < or <=)
- range (between) parameter
»t index:last20« shows last 20 tabs in tabstrip.
»h visits:first10« shows 10 most visited websites.
»b folder:test index:first5« shows first 5 bookmarks in folder whose name contains "test".
»t index:5« shows fifth tab in tabstrip.
»t index:>=5« shows all tabs in tabstrip except for first 4.
»t index:>5« shows all tabs in tabstrip except for first 5.
»h visits:<=5« shows websites opened up to 5 times.
»h visits:<5« shows websites opened up to 4 times.
»b folder:test index:2..15« shows bookmarks with index between 2 and 15 in folder whose name contains "test".
2.10 Notes
When surrounded by quotation marks, parentheses, braces and brackets have literal meaning: »b name:"(universal) {browser} [manager]"«.
When surrounded by quotation marks, starting hyphens and/or operators have literal meaning: »b "-name:test"«.
Brackets (starting and end anchors) won’t work inside AND groups like »b url:([universal browser manager)«. Use them like this: »b url:[universal url:(browser manager)«.
End slashes can be omitted when using end anchors: filter url:example.com] will show both http://www.example.com and http://www.example.com/.

3. Folder Manager
Press Alt+B or click respective button to load Folder Manager in dedicated (internal) tab.
Click expand/collapse arrow to expand/collapse folder. Or click Expand/Collapse All Folders button to expand/collapse all folders.
Click folder (area that is highlighted when hovering over folder) to show full path below tree.
Click folder icon or hold Ctrl and click row area next to it to select folder. Note: See section "5. Selecting items" for more info about folder selection.
Double-click folder to load its content. Note: Content is loaded by constructing search query (based on double-clicked folder) and executing it afterwards. Loaded folder name (and id) is thus shown in search box.
Redesigned search as you type feature is available. Note: Expand/Collapse All Folders buttons also reset search term.
Click respective button to execute Move, Rename, Delete or Create New Folder commands on selected folder.
Very similar GUI is used for bookmarking and moving already bookmarked items. Note: some commands are not available in this context.
Quickly locate folder in tree using Locate Folder in Tree command (tabs and bookmarks search modes).
There should be no need to Refresh Folder Tree. Click respective button only when app asks you.

4. Sorting
Default sort order depends on primary operator. Primary operator is first operator in query that is not prefixed by - (hyphen).
Tabs mode sorts results by:
- column Accessed in descending order if accessed is primary operator
- column Index in ascending order otherwise
Closed Tabs mode sorts results by:
- column Closed in descending order no matter the operator
Bookmarks mode sorts results by:
- columns Folder (1) and Index (2) both in ascending order if folder is primary operator
- column Name in ascending order if name or url is primary operator
- column Added in descending order if added is primary operator or if there is no filter at all
History mode sorts results by:
- column Visits in descending order if visits is primary operator
- column Opened in descending order otherwise
Default sort indicator is located in bottom right corner of status bar:
- indicator text is crossed out if current sort order differs from default
- click indicator (or press Alt+S when any column cell is focused) to reset sort order back to default
Click column header to change default sort order. The sort order is ascending -> descending for most columns and descending -> ascending for columns Accessed, Added, Closed, Modified, Opened and Visits.
You can also focus any column cell and press Alt + A to sort results by that column in ascending order or Alt + D in descending order.
Current sort order indicator is always present in grid header row (if applicable).
Hold Shift while clicking columns to sort by multiple columns.
Sort order always takes into account accented characters.

5. Selecting items
Single-click anywhere in row to focus item. Focused item's data is highlighted by making text bold. Note: Single-clicking without holding Ctrl or Shift does NOT select item (except for clicking favicon). It does not deselect items elsewhere in grid either.
If you want to access column or cell based shortcuts and functionality, click row in area where desired column data is located. When cell is focused this way, respective column header text is made bold. You can e.g. press Alt + A to sort column ascending then. See sections "7. Shortcuts" and "1.1 Column or cell based shortcuts and functionality" for more examples. Note: not applicable in Folder Manager.
Un/selecting item(s) update x of y selected indicator in bottom left corner. X represents selected items count. Y represents total count (count of all items that search returned).
5.1 Selecting Single Item
Click favicon on the left of each row to un/select item.
Hold Ctrl and click any row to un/select item.
Hold Shift and move up or down to un/select item. Note: not applicable in Folder Manager.
Press Space to un/select item. Note: not applicable in Folder Manager.
Unselection occurs if current item is selected. And vice versa.
Previous selection (elsewhere in grid) is not lost. Note: not applicable in Folder Manager. Any previous selection is lost since only one folder can be selected at this time.
5.2 Selecting Multiple Items (not applicable in Folder Manager)
Focus row, hold Shift and click any other row to un/select items between focused and clicked rows.
Press Shift + Home to un/select all items from current row to top.
Press Shift + End to un/select all items from current row to bottom.
Unselection occurs if first (original) item is selected. And vice versa.
Previous selection (elsewhere in grid) is not lost.
5.3 Selecting All Items (not applicable in Folder Manager)
Click checkbox on the left of header row to un/select all items.
Press Ctrl + A to select all items.
Press Ctrl + U to unselect all items.
5.4 Inverting selection (not applicable in Folder Manager)
Press Ctrl + I to invert selection.
Note: All commands (5.2, 5.3 and 5.4) are also available via Selection Selectors.

6. Commands
Right click anywhere inside grid and select command from context menu. You can also press Ctrl + Alt + Down, Ctrl + Down or Alt + End to delete command box and type command. Then press Enter or click Execute Command Button.
Press Alt + Down to just focus command box without clearing its content.
Commands which require additional explanation:
6.1 Copy Custom
Specify keyword (cc) and single or multiple column names surrounded by percentage signs (e.g. %url%). Then type (optionally) any characters before, between or after surrounded column names. And execute command to replace surrounded names by respective values of selected items and copy result to clipboard.
Specify %path% to export full path of bookmark.
All surrounded names can be used in any order or even multiple times. You can also abbreviate them. Therefore feel free to use %u% or %ur% instead of %url%.
So if you execute command »cc <a href="%url%">%name%</a>«, respective hyperlinks will be copied to clipboard (if both columns are available).

7. Shortcuts
Press Alt + H or click Home button to see list of double-click actions and other shortcuts.

8. Query Manager
Query Manager is available in dedicated (internal) tab and consists of two parts: Query Builder and Saved Queries. Query Builder will help user construct more complex queries. Queries can also be saved for repeated use (Saved Queries).
8.1 Starting manager
Click Query Builder Button to load respective UI.
Click Saved Queries Button or press Alt + Q or to load saved queries.
Or just use tabbed interface to navigate to already loaded manager.
8.2 Saving query
Switch to Saved Queries Tab and execute Save As New command from context menu to save current search box query.
Saved queries are listed using columns: Name (editable), Description (editable), Keyword (editable), Query (editable), Modified and Added.
8.3 Executing saved query
Switch to Saved Queries Tab and double click query or focus item in grid and press Enter.
Or type nothing else but query keyword in search box (you do not need to start Query Manager first) and press Enter or click Execute Query Button.
8.4 Updating saved query
Select single saved query and execute Save command from context menu to replace it with current search box query. All other information is preserved (keyword etc.).
8.5 Deleting saved queries
Select any number of saved queries and execute Delete command from context menu.

9. Command Manager
Command Manager is available in dedicated (internal) tab and consists of single part: Saved Commands. This feature may be useful for commands that require parameters (like Copy Custom).
9.1 Starting manager
Click Saved Commands Button, select Saved Commands from Main Tab's context menu or press Alt + W to load saved commands.
Or just use tabbed interface to navigate to already started manager.
9.2 Saving command
Switch to Saved Commands Tab and execute Save As New command from context menu to save current command box content.
You can paste Last Executed Command or any other command to command box first. Note: some commands requires parameters to work properly (Last Executed Command is always pasted including parameters).
Saved commands are listed using columns: Name (editable), Description (editable), Keyword (editable), Command (editable), Modified and Added.
9.3 Executing saved command
Select items in Main Tab and switch to Saved Commands Tab (see 8.1. Starting manager for how to do it). Then double click command or focus item in grid and press Enter.
Or type nothing else but command keyword in command box (you do not need to start Command Manager first) and press Enter or click Execute Command Button.
9.4 Updating saved command
Select single saved command and execute Save command from context menu to replace it with current command box content. All other information is preserved (keyword etc.).
9.5 Deleting saved commands
Select any number of saved commands and execute Delete command from context menu.

10. Examples of usage
See http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic ... #p14863172
Last edited by Jan Zavřel on June 22nd, 2023, 11:33 am, edited 121 times in total.
Jan Zavřel
Posts: 11
Joined: May 19th, 2017, 7:49 am

Re: [EXT] At Your Command

Post by Jan Zavřel »

Duplicate finder
Folder Manager: Ability to select multiple folders
Folder Manager: Drag and drop folders
Folder Manager: Adjustable width (apart from default and full width)
Macros (search, select, execute command) performed at specified time, interval or event
Option for folder path separator (e.g. "/" instead of " > ")
Option to not focus search box after search
Tabs: Ability to discard tabs
Tabs: Implement container tabs
Tabs: Load tabs from all windows
Themes, Dark mode...

Collapsable folder tree (capability to move folders)
Hovering over folder cell in bookmarks mode shows full path
Better looks of user interface
Feature to copy values of all columns
Last edited by Jan Zavřel on June 22nd, 2023, 11:27 am, edited 33 times in total.
Posts: 13
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Re: [EXT] At Your Command

Post by yfdyh000 »

As https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addo ... ws/882422/, I don't see the UI style changes in version 2.1.
Jan Zavřel
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Re: [EXT] At Your Command

Post by Jan Zavřel »

Made some style changes in versions 7, 7.7 and 7.8. Will focus on this more from now on...
Last edited by Jan Zavřel on May 25th, 2020, 5:05 am, edited 4 times in total.
Jan Zavřel
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Re: [EXT] At Your Command

Post by Jan Zavřel »


See https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/at-your-command/versions for changelog. Legend:
[+] - added
[-] - removed
[x] - changed
[*] - fixed, updated
Last edited by Jan Zavřel on January 2nd, 2022, 9:08 am, edited 22 times in total.
Jan Zavřel
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Re: [EXT] At Your Command

Post by Jan Zavřel »


1. Load all tabs into the grid
2. Sort tabs (you can even use multi-column sorting)
3. Select all tabs
4. Execute Move -> Move to Start command
Last edited by Jan Zavřel on May 27th, 2023, 4:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
Jan Zavřel
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Re: [EXT] At Your Command

Post by Jan Zavřel »


1. Load single bookmark folder content into the grid
2. Sort loaded bookmarks (you can even use multi-column sorting)
3. Select all bookmarks
4. Execute Move within Folder -> Move to Top command
Last edited by Jan Zavřel on May 27th, 2023, 4:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jan Zavřel
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Re: [EXT] At Your Command

Post by Jan Zavřel »

Last edited by Jan Zavřel on November 3rd, 2022, 11:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 33
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Re: [EXT] At Your Command

Post by ychaouche »

Dear Jan,

Please see following video of malfunctionning addon : https://vimeo.com/438855587

in my case it always says no bookmark selected when I try to do an action, when I already have selected the desired bookmark !

Waiting to hear from you soon,
Jan Zavřel
Posts: 11
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Re: [EXT] At Your Command

Post by Jan Zavřel »

Dear ychaouche,
video shows only focused (current) row, not selected.

To select single row (item):
- click favicon on the left side of row
- hold ctrl + click anywhere in the row
- press space

I am sorry for replying so late.
Best regards
Jan Zavřel
Posts: 11
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Re: [EXT] At Your Command

Post by Jan Zavřel »


1. Click Folder Manager button (or press Alt + B) to load Folder Manager; then double-click folder to load its content.
2. Get folder items count.

Last edited by Jan Zavřel on May 27th, 2023, 3:14 am, edited 6 times in total.
Posts: 33
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Re: [EXT] Universal Browser Manager

Post by ychaouche »

Thanks Jav, sorry for late reply (my turn!),
you were right
I wasn't selecting the row.
All worked ok when I pressed space.
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Re: [EXT] Universal Browser Manager

Post by k127 »

Sorry if this is a wrong place to ask this or if it's answered somewhere.

Is it possible to chain commands? I especially would love an option to bookmark and close a selected set of tabs.
Last edited by k127 on March 17th, 2024, 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [EXT] Universal Browser Manager

Post by DanRaisch »

This thread has been inactive for almost 18 months. You might be better addressing your question to the extension's author at jzav@protonmail.com

Locking due to the date of the previous posts.