[Ext] TabSubmit 1.0.2: Middle-click submit forms to new tabs

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[Ext] TabSubmit 1.0.2: Middle-click submit forms to new tabs

Post by kliu0x52 »

  • Synopsis: Directs the submission of a form to a new tab or window.
  • Homepage: author's homepage
  • Current Version: 1.0.2 (history)
  • Compatibility: Firefox 1.5–5.0, SeaMonkey 2.0–2.1
  • Download: addons.mozilla.org [restartless]

TabSubmit is a complete re-write of the old SubmitToTab extension, which had been abandoned by its author long ago. It implements bug #17754: Allowing the user to direct the submission of forms to new tabs or windows.

Commands and key modifiers in TabSubmit are identical to those used in SubmitToTab:

  • Middle-Click or Ctrl+Click — Submits a form to a new tab.
  • Shift+Click — Submits a form to a new window.
  • Holding down the Shift key when submitting a form to a new tab will reverse whether the tab is opened in the background or foreground. By default, whether the tab is opened in the background or foreground is determined by your browser's settings.

While TabSubmit has the same functionality as SubmitToTab, it does differ from SubmitToTab in a number of ways:

  • TabSubmit does not have a context menu. SubmitToTab's context menu had stopped working in Firefox 3.0 as a result of design changes made in Bug #404536.
  • TabSubmit supports SeaMonkey.
  • On newer versions of Firefox and SeaMonkey (versions 4 and 2.1 or higher, respectively), TabSubmit can be installed and uninstalled without restarting the browser.
  • Unlike SubmitToTab, TabSubmit uses event listeners to hook into the mouse behavior instead of literally re-writing the existing handlers in the browser. This is a far more robust and safer approach, and it fixes a number of bugs that SubmitToTab exhibits, especially on Firefox 4.
  • TabSubmit can work with elements that have the new HTML5 formtarget attribute.

Note: Current users of SubmitToTab must disable or uninstall SubmitToTab when installing TabSubmit.
My addons: NoRedirect | QuickDrag | URL Flipper | TabSubmit
Developers: Make sure to test your addons for RTL compatibility!
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Philip Chee
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Re: [Ext] TabSubmit 1.0.2: Middle-click submit forms to new

Post by Philip Chee »

kliu0x52 wrote:
  • TabSubmit does not have a context menu. SubmitToTab's context menu had stopped working in Firefox 3.0 as a result of design changes made in Bug #404536.
  • TabSubmit supports SeaMonkey.

Thank you for supporting SeaMonkey.

For the context menu issue please see:

Phil (with my SeaMonkey developer hat on here)
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Re: [Ext] TabSubmit 1.0.2: Middle-click submit forms to new

Post by kliu0x52 »

Philip Chee wrote:For the context menu issue

That, unfortunately, is incompatible with bootstrapping. The override is fine, but the removal of that override when the user disables or uninstalls the extension can be problematic. Specifically, if there was more than one extension that overrode setTarget, the removals must happen in the reverse order in which they happened. So I guess it comes down to context menu vs. restartlessness. I'm mostly neutral on that particular trade-off: I personally never used the context menu back when I used SubmitToTab, nor do I see myself ever uninstalling TabSubmit.

The other problem with the context menu is that TabSubmit also handles middle/ctrl/shift-clicks on non-submission buttons (i.e., <button> and <input type="button">) because there are places where buttons invoke a submit via JavaScript (e.g., the UPS website, where they also style their buttons exactly like links, with no borders, blue text, and an underline!). Because TS works by temporarily changing the form target to _blank, if a button does not actually result in a submit, the middle-click appears to the user as a noop, which is the same behavior as if TS had not been involved. But with a context menu, TS has no way to determine ahead of time if that button is just a button or if will result in a submission, so those context menu options to submit to a new target can appear on buttons that don't actually submit.
My addons: NoRedirect | QuickDrag | URL Flipper | TabSubmit
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Re: [Ext] TabSubmit 1.0.2: Middle-click submit forms to new

Post by blackwind »

Any chance you'd be willing to add support for javascript: links and onclick handlers? There was an extension at one time called Smart Middle Click that did this, but it, too, has been abandoned (and in this case, removed from AMO entirely).
/bw (Author of Reload Plus)
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Re: [Ext] TabSubmit 1.0.2: Middle-click submit forms to new

Post by Baab »

Could you please bump the compatibility for the version on your site? The same goes for NoRedirect.