Accessing Lightning on Android phone

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Accessing Lightning on Android phone

Post by DVB »

I've tried (and failed) several times over the years to access my Lightning calendar on my Android phone, probably through Google Calendar.
I've done many online searches for how to do this, and followed all sorts of instructions -- with absolutely no success. And have given up, time and time again.
I've installed the Thunderbird add-on "Provider for Google Calendar", but it doesn't appear to do anything.
I've just tried again, and this time Lightning has imported bank holiday dates into Lightning, presumably from Google -- but still nothing from Lightning is appearing in my Google Calendar, on my computer or on my phone.
Clearly getting Lightning to talk to Google can be done, but equally clearly I'm missing something obvious. I'm not a tech idiot; I just can't get this to work.
Can anyone help, please?
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Re: Accessing Lightning on Android phone

Post by DVB »

The one other thing that's happened is that the Google Calendar on my phone is now showing details of two flights (apparently picked up from my Gmail) -- London to Warsaw and back -- six years ago! Very helpful...

But it is still not showing anything from my Lightning calendar, which is the whole point of the exercise. How do I get the information on my Lightning calendar on my computer to appear on Google Calendar on my phone?

Someone here amongst your gurus must have managed this. Please help...
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Re: Accessing Lightning on Android phone

Post by DanRaisch »

There is no Thunderbird version for Android so what are you using on your Android phone that involves Lightning?
Somewhere on the right coast.
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Re: Accessing Lightning on Android phone

Post by DVB »

DanRaisch wrote: September 3rd, 2024, 12:48 pm There is no Thunderbird version for Android so what are you using on your Android phone that involves Lightning?
Thunderbird is on my desktop computer. What I want is to be able to access the Lightning calendar (within Thunderbird) that's on my computer, from my phone, via Google Calendar on my phone.
It can be done. I'm just unable to get it to work. That's why I'm asking for help.
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Re: Accessing Lightning on Android phone

Post by mgagnonlv »

If I understand you correctly, you are doing it wrong. Local Thunderbird calendars cannot be accessed on a phone. However, Google calendars are accessible both on your phone and via Thunderbid (/Lightning).
What you need to do is the following:
  1. Create an online calendar at
  2. Export the data from your local Thunderbird (Lightning) calendar in a .ics file, then import it in the default calendar on Google calendar.
    If you have more than one local calendar, then create a new Google Calendar for each local calendar you have and repeat the procedure.
    Note. Don't delete your local calendar(s) yet as you'll need them to check if everything is ok.
  3. In Thunderbird, access the online calendar(s) by doing this:
    – In the left panel of the Calendars, right-click then select "New Calendar".
    – Select "On the network"; then Next
    – As user name, enter your gmail address. Then click on "Search for calendars" (the middle button).
    – You will be shown a list of all Google calendars under that account. By default, all calendars are selected.
    – Select the calendars you actually want to access in Thunderbird.
    You can select their properties, such as the email address used for replies, etc.
    – Click on "Subscribe"
  4. Now, in Thunderbird, compare the stuff you have in the local calendar vs what you have in the Google calendars you just created (it helps if you have different colours). Make sure the content is identical (sometimes a few appointments are missing for obscure reasons).
    If an appointment is missing in the new version, select its local version, double-click to open, then change its calendar to the Google one. Voilà, it will be transferred.
  5. If all is fine and no appointment is missing, you can delete your local calendar(s).
  6. On your phone, connect to your Google calendar(s).
Now, you are able to create events, update them and get reminders both on your phone and on your computer.

A related question is what about the address book?

You can export your current address book and import it in Google contacts. Then, using the Cardbook extension, you can use your Google address book in Thunderbird and on your phone.
Michel Gagnon
Montréal (Québec, Canada)
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